
...to Intimate Portrait: Reality TV.

Before you scroll yourself down any further, there are two things you should know:

1. Everyone you meet here is drawn from a real, living, breathing person...on my reality TV. Any remote resemblance to any real, living, breathing persons is not coincidental at all...it was fully intended.

2. I did not make these quotes up. Believe me, I wish I did.

This whole thing started because I was bored beyond belief at my previous job tape logging (generating audio/visual transcripts for every tape of footage shot for a reality show...for more information about tape logging and how to pursue a career in tape logging, please email me) for "The TurnAround," a small business makeover/improvement show that aired on CNN Saturday mornings during the spring fever of 2005.

While I was on a break from one of my relentless typing frenzies, I found myself so taken with the eye contact/dialogue chemistry between the '80s mustached small business owner (Ben Morey of Long Beach's finest: Morey Construction) and his big business mentor (Bruce Karatz of KB Homes) that I impulsively grabbed a yellow index card and drew an interpretation of the magic I saw on the TV screen...

...and I derived so much fun and fascination from this exercise that it turned into a compulsive habit that has extended into two other reality shows (Fit TV's "The Gym" and The Food Network's "Barbeque with Bobby Flay"), reaching the exhibit-like proportions you're about to enjoy.

If my wildest dreams come true and I'm not exaggerating your potential enjoyment of Intimate Portrait: Reality TV, please come back and visit often - or better yet, tell your friends, enemies, lovers, The New Yorker cartoon department, Garry Trudeau, Aaron McGruder, or anyone who might get the slightest kick out of my good friends down here.

I cannot end this overlong welcome segment without some thank yous. First of all, mad props to you for stopping by and making it this far. Mad special props to reality TV monarchs Weller and Grossman for employing me in their funhouse for such an extended period of time...and especially extra mad special props to everyone at Weller Grossman Productions who encouraged the continuation of this habit. You know who you are!
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Timberland Jeff

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Ali Velshi

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Marcia and Debbie

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Silky Sullivan

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The Guys

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The Compliment

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The Rich Texas Chef

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Brent Husky

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